The content string of the node.
Set the content of the node.
the new content
The XmlDocument containing this node.
The line number of the node if the node is parsed from an XML document.
The node that represents the next sibling.
null if this node is the last one.
The parent node of this node.
For root node, its parent is null.
The node that represents the previous sibling.
null if this node is the first one.
Add a comment sibling node after this node.
the content of the comment
Add an element sibling node after this node.
the element name
prefix: stringthe prefix of the element for the namespace
Find all the descendant nodes matching the given compiled xpath selector.
XPath selector
An empty array if the provided XPath is invalid or if no nodes are found.
Find all the descendant nodes matching the given xpath selector.
XPath selector
namespaces: NamespaceMapmapping between prefix and the namespace URI, used in the XPath
An empty array if the provided XPath is invalid or if no nodes are found.
Find the first descendant node matching the given compiled xpath selector
XPath selector
null if not found, otherwise an instance of the subclass of XmlNode.
Find the first descendant node matching the given xpath selector
XPath selector
namespaces: NamespaceMapmapping between prefix and the namespace URI, used in the XPath
null if not found, otherwise an instance of the subclass of XmlNode.
Insert a comment sibling node before this node.
the content of the comment
Insert an element sibling node before this node.
the element name
prefix: stringthe prefix of the element for the namespace
A simple node that contains only text content without children.