One of the challenges of working with JavaScript and libxml is that they employ different string encodings. JavaScript uses UTF-16/UCS-2, while libxml uses UTF-8. Consequently, we encounter the need to convert strings every time we invoke a function from libxml.
To mitigate this overhead, this library provides two types of parsing functions: String API and Buffer API. The String API accepts a JavaScript string as input and converts it into a UTF-8 buffer before processing. Conversely, the Buffer API takes a UTF-8 buffer as input and directly processes it. The Buffer API proves to be faster, particularly for large XML documents. Therefore, we strongly recommend using the Buffer API whenever feasible to enhance the performance of your code.
The benchmark report below evaluates the performance of DOM tree parsing among the following libraries:
To execute the benchmark, ensure that the lib is built first:
npm ci && npm run build
Then, navigate to the benchmark directory and execute the following commands:
cd benchmark && npm ci
npm test
Environment: NodeJs v18.19.0 on Darwin arm64 Apple M3 Max
Running "fixtures/small.xml: 780 bytes" suite...
Progress: 100%
120 578 ops/s, ±0.12% | 28% slower
libxml2-wasm(buffer api):
167 479 ops/s, ±0.37% | fastest
78 688 ops/s, ±1.05% | 53.02% slower
78 790 ops/s, ±0.19% | 52.96% slower
52 077 ops/s, ±0.27% | 68.91% slower
41 125 ops/s, ±0.42% | slowest, 75.44% slower
Running "fixtures/medium.xml: 35562 bytes" suite...
Progress: 100%
6 013 ops/s, ±0.10% | 64.87% slower
libxml2-wasm(buffer api):
17 114 ops/s, ±0.14% | fastest
12 414 ops/s, ±1.82% | 27.46% slower
5 049 ops/s, ±0.20% | 70.5% slower
2 708 ops/s, ±0.46% | 84.18% slower
1 912 ops/s, ±0.41% | slowest, 88.83% slower
Running "fixtures/large.xml: 2337522 bytes" suite...
Progress: 100%
43 ops/s, ±0.11% | 30.65% slower
libxml2-wasm(buffer api):
62 ops/s, ±0.27% | fastest
50 ops/s, ±1.41% | 19.35% slower
19 ops/s, ±0.93% | 69.35% slower
16 ops/s, ±0.37% | 74.19% slower
11 ops/s, ±1.13% | slowest, 82.26% slower